“Yes, you heard it right, its reality now!!!!!!”
With the advent of Strategic/Immediate Loading Implants, you can get fix teeth with in 72 hrs
Missing teeth pose an Aesthetic and functional problem for the patient. Especially when a lot of teeth are missing the treatment plan becomes complicated. The replacement of missing teeth can be done by a bridge or Implants. In case of multiple missing teeth or when there are no teeth at the back to support the bridge, the Implants are the only option.
The treatment with Implants is predictable and widely acceptable by patients, however it involves a waiting period of 3-4 months when the Implant heals inside the bone. More over in cases where bone grafting/sinus lift is required this waiting period becomes 6 months to 1 year.
In Today’s Fast moving world, no one has time for multiple visits. Moreover, during waiting period chewing is very difficult.
Basal Implants Treatment
As our understanding of Dental Implants has increased over the years we have started to not wait and load the implants immediately by using special Implants which are called Immediate loading/ Strategic Implants/ Single piece Implants/ bi- cortical implantology.
The Basal Implants Service provided by our Dental Clinic is the most advanced technology service among various dental procedures which we have introduced in recent times. The Basal Implants treatment does not require bone augmentation procedures. These Implants engage the more dense basal bone and hence the waiting period is not there.
In case if your bone volume is too low to insert other types of implant, the Basal Implants Treatment is recommended as the only solution.
In certain cases, immediate loading implant procedures are considered to be a better option than delayed implants. Immediate loaded implants are exposed to the chewing force immediately after implantation.
In complex cases where a full arch is involved and more than four to six implants are placed in the maxillary or mandibular arch, the situation is paradoxically easier with the condition that all implants are granted from start a motionless function. The use of a large number of implants held together by an immediate prosthesis to prevent micro-motion at the bone-to-implant interface is a critical element in this protocol.
Immediate loading for dental implants is possible or not?
- Immediate loading of an implant at the time of placement has become a viable treatment option, particularly in the aesthetic zone as they are fixed in the solid and bicortical part of the bone
- Factors influencing immediate loading – implant features, bone quality and quantity, initial stability.
The advantages of Basal / Immediate Loading Implants are:
Fast, Safe and Painless Dental Implant procedures with unique advantages of
- Avoidance of bone grafting/ sinus lift
- Basal/ Cortical bone support
- Extremely low failure rates
- Immediate loading – No waiting period/ can give teeth immediately
- Minimally invasive (‘key hole’ impantology)
- Single piece implantology
- Solutions for unfavorable bone situations
- Virtually no incidence of Peri-implantitis
- Work best in multiple/all teeth missing cases
- Comparatively simpler surgical procedure – Only one surgical procedure
- Shortened treatment time
Immediate Loading Basal Implants/Implants for Everybody.
Why Basal Implants?
- Avoidance of additional surgical risks.
- Avoidance of augmentation procedures unless really needed for aesthetic reasons.
- Basal implants are often the only way to provide fixed restorations in low bone volume.
- Cost and time savings.
- Utilization of the patients own bone substance
Cost savings are only one consideration.
By dispensing with bone augmentation procedures, apart from saving one-third of the overall treatment costs; there is reduced risk of failure due to frequency of infection associated with augmentation procedures.
But, What is much more important for many patients is that Basal Implants Surgery Finally give them:
- Immediate/early loading
- Avoidance of interim dentures and provisionals.
- No re-entry/implant exposure surgery.
- Very little external material
- Bone integrity and perfusion are barely impaired by basal implants.
- Basal implants displace up to 60% less bone substance than comparable screw implants.
- Basal implants are very resistant to preoperative or intra-operative infection and patients are not subject to excessive oral hygiene requirements.
- Even heavy Smokers are eligible for treatment.
- Favorable Distribution of Bio Mechanical Loads:
- Masticatory loads are distributed only to the cortical regions
- The cortical regions are more resistant to resorption and stronger and also regenerate more quickly.
For More Information Contact Us