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Root Canal Treatment

Single Sitting Painless RCT/Cosmetic Tooth Colored Fillings/ Smile Designing

Endodontic & Conservative Dentistry Clinic

Endodontics is the speciality of dentistry that deals with the tooth pulp and tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. The pulp, which contains nerves; arterioles and venules as well as lymphatic tissue and fibrous tissue, can become diseased or injured and thus is unable to repair itself. The pulp then dies and tooth become nonvital. This kind of tooth were extracted earlier but now they can be treated with Root Canal Treatment is required. As a result of lots of advancements in dentistry and particularly in Endodontics, we now have the ability to save more teeth in a predictable fashion, while in addition, improving their long term prognosis.

Our in-house Endodontist Dr Nabhika with her experience of more than 1000 cases can suggest you from the variety of treatment options available.

What does Root Canal Treatment mean?

  • During root canal treatment, the infected pulp is removed and inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned, filed and sealed.

Do we need Crown after Root Canal Treatment?

  • Following RCT, Crown is needed in almost all the cases especially posterior teeth to restore the anatomy and functionality of tooth. The tooth continues to function like any other tooth.

With proper care, most teeth that have had root canal treatment followed by Crown restoration can last a lifetime.

Has your dentist told you that you need Root Canal Treatment?

  • If so, you’re not alone.
  • Millions of teeth are treated and saved each year with root canal treatment.

Saving the natural tooth with root canal treatment has advantages:

  • Natural appearance
  • Efficient chewing
  • Cost Effective in long run

When is Root Canal Treatment (RCT) needed?

  • Root canal treatment is needed when pulp has been damaged by a bacterial infection or Injury

The symptoms of pulp infection include:

  • Pain when eating hot or cold food or drinks
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Pain on laying down

As the infection progresses, these symptoms often disappear as the pulp dies. Your tooth might appear to have healed, but the infection has in fact spread through the root canal system. Further symptoms:

  • Pain when biting or chewing.
  • Pain and /or Swelling of the gums near the infected tooth.
  • Pus oozing from the infected tooth.
  • Facial swelling.
  • Tooth becoming a darker colour.

Root Canal Treatment may sometimes be done intentionally when

  • There is a missing tooth – For making FPD, adjacent teeth are Endodontically treated  and used to form a bridge.
  • Supraerupted tooth – Seen in case of a mssing tooth in the opposite arch. Supraerupted tooth is endodontically treated and crowned to bring it in occlusion.
  • Sensitive to various food, sweets and beverages.

It’s important to see your dentist if you develop toothache. If your tooth is infected, the pulp can’t heal by itself.


Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment Clinic

We are specialized in providing the excellent Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment. After the nerve chamber of your tooth gets infected by decay, Root canal is the only and the best way for saving it. Using the modern tools & techniques such as rotary files, diode laser, Endomotor, digital radiography, etc. this Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment is carried out. Furthermore, for infection free root canal procedure, we make sure to maintain hygienic and clean condition in our clinic.

Features :

  • High rate of success
  • With utmost precision the procedure is carried out
  • Pocket-friendly prices

At Dr Bansal’s Dental Club, we make sure that you get root canal therapy with unparalleled technologies.

⚈ Right skills. Super –eminent Endodontists specially trained for their work.

⚈ Ample armamentarium including

  • World Class Rotary Endomotors.
  • Unblemished disinfectants. .
  • Ergonomics – legitimate illumination and magnification.
  • Meticulous sterilization. No risk of cross infection.

⚈ Highly complex cases including retreatments, perforations and instrument retrievals.

Frequently asked questions / Myths

Root canal treatment is painful

Procedure is done under local anaesthesia, so, Root canal treatment does not cause pain. In fact, relieves it. It removes the diseased and infected tissue from the tooth, thus relieves the pain.

 Root Canal Treatment causes illness?

There is no valid, scientific evidence linking root canal treated teeth and disease elsewhere in the body. Root canal is a safe and effective procedure.

After I get the root canal, I won’t have to go back to the dentist for a while.

Once you have received root canal therapy, you will need to make follow up appointment to have a permanent filling or crown put on the tooth.

Why bother getting a root canal done when you can just extract the tooth?

Saving your natural tooth, if possible, is the very best option. Most root canals are successful and result in tooth being saved. Moreover replacing a missing teeth is more expensive then RCT.

I’m not feeling any pain, so i don’t really need a root canal?

Many teeth that need root canal treatment will not cause pain. But that does not mean the tooth is okay. Your dentist will have ways to see if tooth’s pulp is damaged or healthy. If it is infected, you will need root canal treatment, even if the tooth doesn’t hurt. Without treatment, nearby tissues will become infected.

Endodontic Re-Treatment

Why do I need ANOTHER endodontic procedure?

  • With proper care, RCT can last a lifetime. But sometimes, the tooth can become painful months or even years after treatment due to any reasons like extra canals, aberrant anatomy etc.
  • If your tooth failed to heal or develop new problems, you do have a second chance.

What is done during re treatment?

  • If you and your Endodontist choose re treatment, the Endodontist will re-open your tooth to gain access to the root canal filling.
  • Sometimes complex restorative materials- crowns, post and core must be disassembled and removed to permit access to root canals.
  • The Endodontist cleans the canals, searches for additional canals or unusual anatomy that requires treatment.
  • After re treatment, get a new crown or other restoration placed on the tooth to protect and restore it to its full function.

Alternatives to Re-treatment?

If retreatment is not an option, ENDODONTIC SURGERY can be considered. This surgery involves making an incision that allows access to the tip of the root.

Another is Extraction followed by replacement of missing tooth, Of Course…

What would cause you to need an APICOECTOMY/ ROOT CANAL SURGERY?

  • Fracture / crack in the tooth’s roots
  • Repeated Failure of RCT.
  • Large non healing periapical (below tooth) lesion.

The procedure is normally only recommended after one or more root canal treatments have been attempted, and have failed. Since the problem occurs near the apex of the root, the procedure is often an effective way to treat a persistent infection.


While there are excellent methods of tooth replacement (like dental implants), which involve more complex treatment and they can be costly. An apicoectomy is generally a permanent and cost – effective solution which can help the tooth last for the rest of your life.

Retrieval of Fractured Instruments

During root canal treatment there might be unintentional separation of the instrument in the canal owing to various reasons like

  • Abnormal anatomy
  • Difficult canal curvature
  • Narrow calcified canal
  • Instrument manipulation

These fractured instruments can be a hindrance to the goals of cleaning, shaping and filling root canals and thus affect the outcome of the treatment.

If fractured, What do we do?

  • We use state- of- the -art equipment including ultrasonic to retrieve the separated instrument from the canal combined with magnification and illumination.
  • Bypass the instrument and clean and fill the canal to obtain a three dimensional hermetic seal.

Perforation Repair

What is Perforation?

  • Perforation is an artificial communication between root canal system and supporting tissues. It complicates treatment and affects prognosis IF NOT managed.
  • Can occur pathologically or unintentionally iatrogenically during root canal treatment.
  • The defect can be sealed using innumerable materials
  • Here, we use potent and dexterous materials like MTA and BIODENTINE to repair such defects and thus improve the prognosis and longevity of the tooth concerned.

Aesthetic restorations

  • The last 50 years have witnessed an unimaginable amount of change in restorative dentistry.
  • Creating illusions is one of the most important objectives of aesthetic dentistry.

Conditions that initiate a need for Restorative Dentistry are:

  • Initial or recurring decay.
  • Replacement of failed restorations.
  • Abrasion or wearing a way of tooth structure.
  • Erosion of tooth structure.

Conditions that initiate a need for Aesthetic Treatment are

  • Abnormal spacing between teeth.
  • Discoloration due to extrinsic or intrinsic staining
  • Anomalies due to developmental disturbances.

We help improve your smile by

  • making your teeth whiter( Bleaching),
  • reshaping teeth (Veneers),
  • fill cavities with tooth coloured materials (Composites),
  • repair chips and rough spots

Thus provide you with a more refreshing smile and help boost your confidence and make you feel optimistic and self assured.

Visit us and let us help you discover the best Aesthetic option that’s perfect for you.

For more information Contact us or you can call us 9068666664 directly.